An easy way to save money this tax season is to choose to save a portion of your tax refund in a U.S. Series I Savings Bond.
This bond can be bought in your name, a child's, a grandchild's--up to two co-owners and one beneficiary.
U.S. Series I Savings Bonds are safe, simple, secure, and easily accessible while filing a federal tax return.
These bonds:
- are protected against inflation
- require no credit check
- are available to ITIN holders (those without a SSN)
- free of charges and fees
- pay interest for 30 years
- are redeemable one year after purchase
- require only a $50 minimum purchase
Save for later or for someone else--you can use your refund to buy bonds for someone else this tax season.
Ask about buying Savings Bonds and about splitting your refund when having your taxes filed this year--beginning January 31st, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites in the North Penn and Indian Valley area will be offering FREE tax preparation for families who earn less than $60,000 annually.
Visit for a full listing of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites across Montgomery County.
Video from the Dare to Dream (D2D) Fund's Bonds Make It Easy Campaign. Information from both the Bonds Make It Easy Campaign and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Heather, thanks for spreading the good word on US Savings Bonds. You can find more information about the positive effect of and great demand for savings bonds here